6 out of 7 stars for Intouríst!
The lovely folks at have followed up their "mini-review" from last month with an official, full review and rating this month. They end the review by asking if we will be touring. Stay tuned for further answers very soon indeed! 🙂

“Let it Rock” declares Intouríst an “…intoxicating drive to a rendezvous between written word and musical passage”
We were thrilled to read Dmitri Epstein's brilliant review of our latest album, Intouríst. Besides being an amazing review, it gets special credit for also being the first to spot that our song title "Intouríst Suite" is a pun (since foreigners traveling in the USSR...

Prog Thief gives Intouríst the “thumbs up”!
There has been an excellent review of our latest album published in the German-language Prog Rock blog, The Prog Thief. Favorite tracks are mentioned as "DMK", "The Devil Returns" and "Intouríst Suite", which seems to be a recurring collection a lot of our fans are...

Red+ says Intouríst “redefines the contours of progressive rock”
What an amazing and pleasant surprise to find a review from last April in Red+ - completely in Spanish - singing the praises of our latest album, Intouríst. Given our presence in and love for South America - especially Paraguay, where much of our material is written... declares our new album “Intouríst” to be a “love letter to the music and spirit of the 1970s” that is “worth a check”
I think this review really hits the nail on the head in terms of what we tried to achieve with our latest album, why we love it, and why we think many of you will love it to. We don't get hung up on specific genres, but Prog is definitely our favorite. Read the full...

Progressive Rock Journal names Intouríst a “recommended listen”
Jacopo Vigezzi from the Progressive Rock Journal has just published a great, in-depth review of our latest album, "Intouríst". The review concludes with the assessment that they would recommend our album for "...all lovers of the more modern sounds of Progressive...

High Praise for Intouríst from “Notes on Contemporary Progressive Music!”
For our Spanish readers (all others, please use Google Translate), a very in-depth and glowing review of our latest album, Intouríst! And, by the way, we would have loved for "Side Hustle" to have been longer, also - but, you know... you can only put down what the... says Intouríst is excellent
Our latest album, Intouríst, has received an outstanding review on Exposé Online. Described as a significant evolution from our debut album Decoupage, the review praises Derek Ferguson's brilliant co-production and our cohesive yet diverse sound. With contributions...

Music Guru Radio: Intouríst gets 4 stars!
Very happy to see in this article that Music Guru Radio found our latest album to be "... a nice surprise... that made [them] want to pick up [their] keyboard and play along!" Considering 5 stars would, we guess, something like "Close to the Edge" or "Dark Side of the...

Amazing Prog Magazine Review of “Intouríst”
On page 95 of the April, 2024 issue of Prog magazine, please see a brief review of our latest album, Intouríst. Specifically, they call it "likeable, uplifting... a home-cooked slice of melody rich prog." They conclude that "... the smile on its face is infectious."...